Telaah Pesan Kampanye #Bijakkelolasampah pada Instagram @Waste4Change Mengenai Program Send Your Waste yang Berdampak Terhadap Sikap Followers Mengelola Sampah Skincare


  • Galuh Dinda Utami Institut Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Syafril Tahar Institut Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Jakarta, Indonesia.
  • Rustono Farady Marta Universitas Satya Negara Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Natasia Angreani Universitas Bunda Mulia
  • Rizki Briandana Universitas Mercu Buana, Jakarta, Indonesia


The study aims to identify how the campaign message of #Bijakkelolasampah at Instagram @Waste4Change affects their followers regarding Send Your Waste program. The study results implicate that the followers of @Waste4Change followers, which consists of 21-25 years of age and female-oriented respondents, fulfill the validity and reliability tests with a score of 0.30. The mean of the campaign message has a score of 3.43, which is within a “very good” interval category. The regression analysis also confirms that the campaign messages of @Waste4Change have a correlation score of 0.806 among their followers. This means the message of #Bijakkelolasampah campaign has around 65% affinity, whereas the other 35% is affected by other means. The @Waste4Change Instagram managers should pay more attention to every upload so as not to create an ambiguous meaning for their followers.

Author Biography

Rustono Farady Marta, Universitas Satya Negara Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia

Dr. Rustono Farady Marta, S.Sos., M.Med.Kom. (蔡益安-FRAD) is a visiting assistant professor at the Faculty of Psychology at Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia and Vice Rector of Student, Alumni, and Networking Affairs at Universitas Satya Negara Indonesia (USNI). His research interest on identity and media studies as one of masterpiece PhD of Communication Science at Universitas Indonesia. He also focus in development of scientific journal by Indonesian Communication Science Journal Publishers Association (APJIKI). His research track record can be traced through SINTA ID: 259075, Scopus Author ID: 57211404689, Web of Science (WoS) Researcher ID: X-1554-2019


